Art Inventory Management

Managing Art Assets

Managing your assets can be difficult if you don’t know what you have.
Works of art have different values and levels of importance in your asset holdings.

Can you identify this work?


Rembrandt van Rijn

The Three Trees

Etching with drypoint & engraving

Versions of this etching can be worth $200, $44,000, $125,000 or $600,000.

We have the expertise to identify, value and accurately inventory art assets









Many large organizations and private collectors have significant fine and decorative art assets. While a simple inventory may exist for certain departments or locations, most organizations and private collections lack a comprehensive, up-to-date organization-wide inventory. Huge spreadsheets are not adequate. Without a complete inventory, assets may unknowingly be missing, damaged, stolen or vandalized. This could result in significant financial loss and bad publicity. For valuable assets such as art, furniture, decorations, and memorabilia, Roth Art Group provides professional inventory services. Using state-of-the-art technology, we have developed a comprehensive asset inventory database tailored to each client’s needs that allows organizations and collectors to know what assets they own, what they are worth, where they are located and if they need attention or conservation.

Our inventory services benefit your organization to:

  • Consolidate all information related to a particular art asset in a single database record
  • Proactively manage assets to ensure they are protected
  • Quickly identify and locate assets
  • Barcode tag artwork for tracking
  • Expedite insurance claims in the event of a loss
  • Determine the value of assets for insurance, sale, merger, or acquisition
  • Record the acquisition and disposition of assets
  • Plan for relocation of assets
  • Create fully customizable reports of art asset holdings
  • Manage the art collection for decoration of offices, lobbies and conference rooms
  • Fulfill donor requests by easily accessing gift contracts

We are also able to consult and provide guidance on the following art-related matters:

  • Security
  • Best practices for display/hanging artwork
  • Transportation – “nail-to-nail” secure movement of artwork
  • Packing
  • Storage
  • Exhibits
  • Conservation
  • Sale
  • Purchase
  • Donation

Why hire us?

The first step is accurate identification of the artwork. There is a large range of types of works of art with a wide range of values and importance. Without accurate identification, a decision cannot be made as to display, sale, storage, valuation, insurance, transportation or disposal. Our experts have over 20 years experience working in the art field as scholars, curators and appraisers. A quality fine and decorative art asset inventory relies on such specialist expertise; it should be prepared by professionals with relevant inventory experience who will be able to suggest pragmatic solutions for the assets in the organization’s care.

Our experts are proficient in the proper identification, description and condition assessment of fine and decorative art. We are able to review preventative measures already in place and make recommendations for relocation, conservation, repair, or security. Our experts have extensive experience inventorying fine and decorative art objects for a wide variety of institutions including universities, museums, nonprofit organizations, and large multinational corporations as well as private collectors. We are available to serve clients nationwide.

With a comprehensive and accurate art asset inventory, our clients have peace of mind that their art assets are properly identified, accurately valued, well protected, and secure so that administrators can make knowledgeable decisions concerning the future of the collection.